2019 Town Election Campaign Programming

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - 12:13pm
As Town Election Day approaches April 2nd, learn about all the candidates up for town-wide election right here on your local community media center - Belmont Media Center. Catch the 2019 Town Campaign Programming on the following times & days:
League of Women Voters Candidates Night >
LIVE this Thursday from Chenery School @ 7:30 PM - Channel 8 & 28 or GovTV
LIVE this Thursday from Chenery School @ 7:30 PM - Channel 8 & 28 or GovTV
Repeat: SAT @ 7:00 PM - Channel 96 & 30 or InfoTV
Board of Selectmen Candidate Debate >
FRI. @ 7:00 PM - Channel 8 & 28 or GovTV
SAT. @ 10:00 PM & SUN. @ 11:00 PM - Channel 96 & 30 or InfoTV
FRI. @ 7:00 PM - Channel 8 & 28 or GovTV
SAT. @ 10:00 PM & SUN. @ 11:00 PM - Channel 96 & 30 or InfoTV
School Committee Candidate Debate >
FRI. @ 8:30 PM - Channel 8 & 28 or GovTV
SAT. @ 11:30 PM & SUN. @ 9:30 PM - Channel 96 & 30 or InfoTV
SAT. @ 11:00 PM & SUN. @ 10:30 PM - Channel 96 & 30 or InfoTV
Community Conversations w/ Selectmen Candidates >
FRI. @ 10:00PM - Channel 8 & 28 or GovTV
SUN. @ 7:00 PM - Channel 96 & 30 or InfoTV
Beech Street Center Forum: Selectmen Candidates >
FRI. @ 9:30 PM - Channel 8 & 28 or GovTV
SUN. @ 8:30 PM - Channel 96 & 30 or InfoTV
Or watch OnDemand anytime on BMC's Youtube Channel here > bit.ly/2019-Town-Election