Belmont Journal: March 9th Show

Saturday, March 10, 2018 - 9:43pm
Does Belmont have an opiod crisis? How does the town budget look for fiscal 2019? What's the latest on The Bradford project? If retail establishments for adult use recreational marijuana are allowed in Belmont, where will they be allowed to open? What's happening around town and in high school sports? Hear first hand how one homeowner is dealing with a tree that fell on her Myrtle Street home. Tune in to Belmont's hyper-local news weekly news program, Belmont Journal on on Comcast Channel 9 or Verizon Channel 29 on Friday at 10 p.m., Sunday at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. or Thursday at 9 p.m. or visit