Belmont Police Log, April 16-21: Woman trips on pothole and is injured while crossing Bright Road

The following are excerpts from the Belmont Police log as made available by the Belmont Police Department. The log is public and available for review. All persons are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
Tuesday, April 16
8 p.m.: A Trapelo Road resident reported a package theft. For the past two years, packages of expensive wine have not shown up to his house. It only seems to happen when the packages are received at a FedEx location in Natick. He receives a notification that they attempted deliver. It continues for two more days and then he is informed the package will be returned to the sender. The winery said they have never received any returned packages. Today, he received a notification that they attempted a delivery of a package valued at $500. He was home when the delivery was attempted and never heard the doorbell. He is concerned the package will go missing again. He would like to inform the Natick Police Department. He will email information about missing packages over the last 2.5 years. He was advised to contact FedEx.
Wednesday, April 17
8:49 a.m.: A Fletcher Road resident reported larceny. The two motor vehicles involved are a 2017 Lincoln and a 2009 Subaru. Some time overnight someone entered his and his wife’s vehicle and stole items. The glove compartment was open inside the Lincoln and various items were strewn about inside the car. Some cash, a $20 bill and several $1 bills were missing as well as a gas card and blank checks. He contacted his bank and credit card company to cancel the card and checks. There was a brand new Apple Iphone, still in the box, inside the glovebox that was untouched. His wife’s Subaru was also entered. A small amount of cash is missing. Both cars were unlocked and parked in the driveway.
9:14 a.m.: A Stoughton man reported stolen property on Wellesley Road. He and his crew are building a house on Wellesley Road. On April 16, the garage where tools are stored was accidentally left unsecured from 5 to 6 p.m. Two items valued at $300 each were stolen. He was advised to contact the police if any other items are discovered missing.
11:30 a.m.: A Bright Road resident reported identity fraud. He received two separate debit cards in two separate envelopes in the mail yesterday issued from an internet bank, Green Dot. Both cards had his name on them. He was concerned because he never ordered the cards that someone stole his identity. He had the cards cancelled and an alert was put on his personal information to prevent future fraudulent activity with Green Dot bank. He has not noticed any other suspicious activity. He was advised to place a freeze on his information by contacting one of the three credit agencies and to inform his bank and credit card companies about the incident.
Sunday, April 21
9:36 a.m.: A woman fell while walking her dog on Bright Road. She was bleeding from her nose. It appeared to be broken. She said she was crossing the street and tripped on a pothole. She was transported to Mount Auburn Hospital.
1:18 p.m.: Suspicious person reported in area of Waverley Oaks Park. Officers recognized the male. He is an older, white male, wearing a t-shirt and jeans and was yelling and acting erratically. He was informed that he was being loud and to return home for the day.
Between April 16 and April 21, Belmont Police responded to one domestic violence call and nine mental health calls.