Hunkering Down Archive

Archived videos from Hunkering Down. Click below to view each video on the website. Return to program

Hunkering Down in Belmont, A Love Story: Lana & Renzo Get Married

While stuck in Massachusetts due to the Covid19 Crisis, and unable to travel to Italy to get married, 2 archaeologists: Lana, a Lebanese-American, and Renzo, an Italian, decide to tie the knot in Belmont, with help from Town Clerk Ellen O'Brien Cushman & the Belmont Woman's Club.

Hunkering Down Episode #3 - 05/22/2020

Creative collection of video shorts reflecting life during the Pandemic. Sent to BMC by locals from the greater Belmont, MA area. 

Hunkering Down: Episode #1 - 04/03/2020

Hunkering Down is a mash-up of videos made by local people in response to the current social isolation situation. 

Hunkering Down, Episode #2 - 04/18/2020

A collection of short home-videos sent in by local folks as they navigate life during the pandemic in their own ways.

Hunkering Down trailer

Sneak preview of "Hunkering Down" our new weekly mash-up show of made-at-home-videos by people like you! Send us YOUR clips of YOUR video response to these new and changing times.