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BMC is looking for volunteers to run camera for the continuation of the January 18th Special Town Meeting. Town Meeting will be held at the Chenery Middle School auditorium on Wednesday, February 8th at 7:00 p.m. This will be a live multi-camera production. If interested, please call 617-484-2443...
BMC would like to thank volunteers Viktoria Haase, Ian Scully, Deniz Dutton and Geoff Dutton for helping with the studio production of "Living with Coyotes," a presentation by animal control officer John Maguranis. And also thank you to Frank Kimbowa for covering Powers Music School's Peter Elvins...
If you are having trouble viewing or finding BMC programs On-Demand you can go directly to our Blip Tv channels to view all available on-demand content. The Public Access content is at . The Government Access content is at . You can also find our...
BMC would like to thank Martin Epstein and Frank Kimbowa for their volunteer camera work on the January 18th Special Town Meeting.
BMC is looking for a volunteer to videotape the Peter Elvins Vocal Competition, presented by the Powers Music School. This competition will be held on Saturday, January 28th at the First Church in Belmont, Unitarian Universalist on 404 Concord Ave. The event will begin at 7:30pm and will last for...
BMC is looking for volunteer camera operators to help us cover a live multi-camera production of the upcoming Special Town Meeting. Special Town Meeting will be held at the Chenery Middle School Auditorium on Wednesday, January 18 th at 7:00pm. The meeting may possibly continue to the following...
John Maguranis, Belmont's Animal Control officer and statewide coyote expert, will be presenting "Living with Coyotes," a talk on cohabiting with coyotes. John is also a gifted wildlife photographer and will share his great wildlife pictures and stories of coyotes & other wildlife from right...
The next certification workshop for the new Sony NX-5 cameras will be held on Thursday January 12th from 6-8pm at BMC. Certification is REQUIRED in order to use these new cameras. Come by and check out the new tapeless, HD cameras and get certified. Contact Adam or Stacey to sign up.