BMC News

Take Action Now > If you have not seen Won't You Be My Neighbor? yet, I recommend it highly - a documentary about the late, great Fred Rogers and his Neighborhood, and his wonderfully positive legacy and the good effect his TV show had on society as a whole and children,...
Tune in this week and get all the hyper-local news you need to know about Belmont in under 30 minutes. This week's Belmont Journal hosted by Michael Crowley covers the following topics: This Week in the Citizen-Herald with Senior Multimedia Journalist Joanna Tzouvelis gives an update on the town...
The latest Gallery @ BMC features an art exhibit by "Bohemian Arts Boston, Cambridge & Beyond" in honor of Black History Month. The mission of Bohemian Art's is to serve artists of all genres as a resource to collaborate, network and share information. The role of Bohemian Arts came from a...
Tune in this week and get all the hyper-local news you need to know about Belmont in under 30 minutes. This week's Belmont Journal hosted by Roger Colton covers the following topics: This Week in the Citizen-Herald with Senior Multimedia Journalist Joanna Tzouvelis reports on residents opposed to...
Tune in this week and get all the hyper-local news you need to know about Belmont in under 30 minutes. This week's Belmont Journal hosted by Roger Colton covers the following topics: This Week in the Citizen-Herald with Senior Multimedia Journalist Joanna Tzouvelis gives an update on finalists for...
Tune in this week and get all the hyper-local news you need to know about Belmont in under 30 minutes. This week's Belmont Journal hosted by Michael Crowley covers the following topics: This Week in the Citizen-Herald with Senior Multimedia Journalist Joanna Tzouvelis gives an update on the town...
Tune in this week and get all the hyper-local news you need to know about Belmont in under 30 minutes. This week's Belmont Journal hosted by Roger Colton covers the following topics: This Week in the Citizen-Herald with Senior Multimedia Journalist Joanna Tzouvelis gives an update on prospective...
Belmont Media Center will be closed during the holidays to give our staff a well deserved break and recharge for the coming year. Happy New Year! If you need to reach BMC on an urgent matter, feel free to call Jeff Hansell, Executive Director at 857-928-6977.
Tune in this week and get all the hyper-local news you need to know about Belmont in under 30 minutes. This week's Belmont Journal hosted by Roger Colton covers the following topics: This Week in the Citizen-Herald reports a project to replace the deteriorating Skip Viglirolo skating rink, the re-...
Tune in this week and get all the hyper-local news you need to know about Belmont in under 30 minutes. This week's Belmont Journal hosted by Michael Crowley covers the following topics: This Week in the Citizen-Herald reports on issues with a speed bump on Cross Street, uptick in packages being...


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